Browse Items (9 total)

Portrait of Theophilus Eaton (August 15, 1591- January 7 1657/58)

Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem by Juan Bautista Villalpando (1552-1608)

Sinners in the Hands-Original - Jonathan Edwards - 99077203310.pdf
Jonathan Edward's sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," delivered at Enfield, CT July 8, 1741

The Nine Squares of New Haven, from Atwater's History of New Haven Colony

Thomas Fairfax, 3rd Lord Fairfax of Cameron, holding the severed head of King Charles I

Portrait of Jacobus Arminius (1560-1609)

Portrait of William Laud (7 October 1573 – 10 January 1645), Archbishop of Canterbury

Portait of John Calvin, a Protestant theologian whose doctrines formed the basis of puritanism.

Eliz I.jpg
The "Darnley Portrait" of Elizabeth I of England. It was named after a previous owner. Probably painted from life, this portrait is the source of the face pattern called "The Mask of Youth" which would be used for authorized portraits of Elizabeth…
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